Adopt a Locked-out!
The amount of people locked-out during labour disputes is more than just a number. With plans put on hold and some dreams shattered, each figure represents an individual who suffers. It’s a story of lives disrupted, where the toll on financial, physical and emotional health is irrefutable.
Lockouts create an environment of huge stress and hardship for everyone involved. The shock waves reach beyond the individual, extending to loved ones and communities. Their experiences serve as a powerful reminder of the human cost of these disputes and the need to support the workers involved.
This website sheds light on the people behind the numbers to tell their stories. We encourage you to recognize their struggles and open your hearts. Together, we can help alleviate the suffering caused by these difficult situations. Please read and be generous.

Because strength lies in unity
Locked-Out Groups
Here are the groups currently locked out, listed from oldest to newest.

Dockworkers of the Port of Quebec
{day} days {hour} hours {min} minutes
The employer locked out its employees on September 15, 2022, putting more than 80 people and their families in a precarious situation.